Your first choice allows you to accept credit card payments but without a secure server. Some financial institutions, which
offer credit cards, also offer Traditional Merchant Accounts. This allows you to manually verify credit card information from
those that want to purchase from you. But, you should be aware, if you ask for credit card information from your website without
the guarantee of a secure server, you may run into hesitation from potential customers.
Another alternative to the expensive merchant account is to accept cheque payments online. For this you will need to acquire
software or a program that will allow you to print MicroPrint (the small numbers and characters at the bottom of a cheque...
ie. routing #, account #, etc.). There are several cheque writing programs available, including those found at
The procedures involved to use this payment method are to first set up a form on your website. You then send an invoice
to your customer with direction to the cheque-form page, which they must fill out and submit, via your cgi program. You then
verify the funds and information and then the software prints the cheque on special cheque paper, which you can purchase at
most business supply stores.
You can also have the above type service online, via such sites as
Another alternative, which is rapidly becoming the choice of many online product and service providers, is Online Payment
Systems. There are several of these systems available but I have only found one that has features available to Canadians.
Called, this service allows you to set up an account with them and they verify the credit information of those
buying from you. Now, many features that this system has to offer are still limited for Canadian retailers but you are still
able to set up an account, bill your clients, and receive payments into your Canadian bank account or credit card account
with only minor service charges being applied.
Taking advantage of the expansive market of the World Wide Web does not mean that you have to go bankrupt. You can still
get on the E-Commerce bandwagon and accept payments with the above listed services and other alternative payment systems that
may be available. Actually, most of these services are all that the average small business, especially those in the service
industry, really need. And they don't cost a fortune. |