Privacy /Disclaimer /Mission
It is illegal to copy, redistribute, alter, tamper with or sell any information, articles, resources, or technologies from
this website. Violators will be prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law. Some examples include the user end in regards
to what a user sees on the surface as well as information, technologies, and resources contained in computer languages from
a developers’ perspective.
For those not as technically familiar: One reference is outright thievery or tampering with anything on this website.
Your information obtained either through cookies or material submitted through our request form is confidential. We will not
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we allow to view your information are directly involved with the development of this website including responses to inquiries.
We can in now way guarantee the results or privacy policies of external links away from this site or internal links provided
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We do our best to insure that resources provided on this site are safe. If you happen to find a resource or link that does
not live up to our standards, please bring it to our attention through our request page.
We will investigate and make the appropriate changes necessary to maintain this websites’ mission to provide the utmost
quality information and resources combined with integrity and safety.